Great-looking 3D floorplans
3D floorplans provide useful insights into how the spaces of a floor are positioned relative to other spaces. These 3D floorplans look great as empty plans, but they look even better when they are furnished with lots of little details to discover.
On this page, you can find a range of examples of 3D floorplan exports made with Floorplanner. None of these images are further adjusted or enhanced.

3D floorplans - Top Views
A nice 3D top view provides the same information as a good 2D floor plan, but simply looks much more attractive and alive. Making a great-looking 3D top view takes no more effort than making a good 2D one. Simply click on the export button, select the 3D top view, and the default settings will take care of the rest.

3D floorplans - Dollhouse Views
Dollhouse views are a great way to show how spaces are related to each other and give a view of the property that is both attractive and informative. Adding more detail is a great way to keep the viewer's attention, especially at higher resolutions.

3D floorplans - Site Views
Besides 2D floorplans & 3D visuals, moodboards are an important element in many design processes but they can be time consuming to make and often they are created using a different software. With our styleboard feature you can make a moodboard from a design directly within your Floorplanner project. All products in the design are available as high resolution images from different angles. Complement the styleboard with some custom images.